That's just me

Writing expresses you... that's it...

Monday, September 13, 2010


In school were supposed to do some drama t-shirts that have to have a quote.
So this is my quote...
"If drama were vodka, our school would be sooo wasted."
"Middle School = Drama to the 10th power... squared?"

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

What am I doing?

I've noticed that in other people's blogs, they write about their daily adventures. Is that what I should do? I enjoy writing, but feel out of place writing my ideas down, for everyone to see.

What exactly am I trying to say?

I was listening to Michael Jackson's "We Are The World", and "Earth Song", and I just sort of got into wanting to save the world. The message that these songs brought to me is that we humans should help the world become a better place. So this poem is expressing that I feel were just little people, with big minds, and together, we can all save something. It's like Demi Lovato and Joe Jonas' "Make A Wave." Together, we can do it.

The Painting We Call Earth By: Renatux

The world is a place, made of wonderful pictures.
Of animals, and humans, and interesting creatures.
This is like a painting, with colors everywhere.
Wherever you look, you can just stand and stare.
But we humans are just one small speck of a piece of blue sky.
We are unperfect, we smile, we laugh, we cry.
We think we are the only ones who should be treated well,
While the others suffer, and live with what the could call hell,
But here we are, doing nothing to help.
So all the others do is scream, and yelp.
There is the moon giving the dim light to the world.
There is the solar system, that every day it twirled.
There is the sun, shining off the light.
From the beginning of the day, 'till the beginning of the night.
But we are small creatures, not really to be seen,
We don't lie in the top, in the middle, but in the between.
The world is a place, that can't really be explained.
We have done so much harm to it, but it still remained.
And now you look at what we have done,
To the earth, to the stars, and to the sun.
But we together, can fix it all up.
For this is not easy, but it's a mixup.
So we now have to stand, and resolve all of these problems,
And then the Earth sees us, and then it welcomes.
We do nothing, just sit and watch,
And now I tell everyone to go ahead, for we will turn the world around a notch.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

This Is A Poem Especially For You: By Me

This Is A Poem Especially For You is a poem I wrote.
This is for my family who I love(: ... and that is what the poem is supposed to say, though it does not really say it.

This Is A Poem Especially For You

There is no other way of telling you this secret I've been hiding for years.
You have helped me trough the happy days and through the days with tears.
And now you stand in front of me and I have a feeling like no other,
You have always been there for me, and have turned out to be like a brother.
Well this is a poem I took hours to write,
I took the day before yesterday, yesterday and tonight.
I've been staring at a blank paper for hours and days,
and thought of something to write to you, and changed the poem in so many ways.
But this special poem is going to tell you something you have to hear,
Just keep reading and you will find out my dear.
For this is a poem that is written especially for you,
though it has been days and days from the day it was due.
But tell me something, do you love me? Do I love you?
I just need to tell you, I really care about what you have done for me,
You have treated me great, not awfully.
This is something serious, not a joke.
But this is a dream what I have been through,
So I can't tell you now, what do I do, what do I provoke?

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

It's not a journal

I was trying to sound like the wimpy kid from "The Diary Of The Wimpy Kid"... but I didn't sound like a guy.............

From a guys point of view

From a thirteen year old guys point of view, life is hell.
My sister just kicked me out of my room so she could do her makeup. What's important about makeup? All it does is cover your face and you end up like a little puff cloud of powder. Well, Im Alex, Megan's thirteen year old brother. I hate how my sister is always talking about diamonds, and boys and stuff, cause I'm a guy. I talk about X-BOX and girls... much better.
See, life as a thirteen year old is pretty easy. But if your a girl, like Rachel, my girlfriend, it's pretty hard. I mean, girls make up so much drama and rumors. Ugh, thinking about it makes me sick. The only fight I've actually had is with my best friend, Sam, but we got over it in like a second after we played soccer. But girls keep going with the drama!
It's so annoying!!!
So my girlfriend, she's one of the only girls I "like" in my grade. She's so calm and so happy all the time. She doesn't worry about makeup, thank God! All she worry's about is me. That's what I like about her. But she's really pretty too. Blonde, and blue eyed, total babe!
So, yeah. My life is good, junk food, and video games.... and then school ruins it.
I have school from six till' three thirty. I'm in sixth grade, the year where you become who you really are. It's the worst, especially math.
I don't like math at all, I hate all those numbers and symbols that confuse me all the time. And the worst part is doing the work!
My favorite subject? Lunch, of course:)
If I were to be graded on lunch... I would get an A. It's heaven.
And total coolness...
Well, it's like six so I'm supposed to be in homeroom by now.
Dear Journal,
Ill talk to you later!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

My story "That's just me," isn't really about me. It's just a story by the way:)

That's just me

I was told to write a story about nature and it’s beauty.

So I decided to write about myself.

My name is Megan Gomez. Meg for short, Mega-gorgeous for long, and Megan if you just want to be casual.

So now I’m in science, and Ms. Lopez, obviously my science teacher, just assigned us a report about nature and it’s beauty. The only real beauty I know is me, Megan Fox (only because she has my name) and the mall. Yes, the mall. You might be thinking, why the mall? Well because, the mall has stores that make things out of nature, and their “beauty?” Whatever, so that’s why I want to make my report on ME.

Here is some info. about me, just in case you don’t know about me, which is kind of surprising:

I love the mall.

That’s pretty much it. I go to Crammer Davis High School, I’m six teen years old, and I got my drivers license last week, yet I don’t have a car. Well I am also the most popular girl in my school, but my life is different. You have probably read all those books where the popular girl bully’s the nerd, and the nerd starts crying and stuff. Well, Im sick of those books saying that the popular girl is always the mean one. Hello? I'm still here. I mean really, what popular girl wants to read about a book about a popular girl that is rude. For those other popular girls, doesn't it make you feel miserable? Well, I am not like those popular girls. I . am. nice.

But I am still like those popular girls in a way. I love the mall, I love beauty cosmetics, love fashion and fashion magazines, and adore clothes.

But again... I still differ and stand out.

Being nice, and gorgeous is not a crime as people say. People think that being popular is a crime. Really? You, well at least I didn't try to become popular, it just happened.

I washed my face in the morning, went to school and a few hours later... I became popular!?

It happened fast, one day your just a geeky kid walking through the hall ways with your dictionary in your hand, and your being bullied by the "jocks," and all of a sudden the next day, poof, your popular? Yeah, right.

Something must have happened, but to tell you the truth, here's my life, I don't care. I don't mean it in a rude way. But once your popular, you really don't care about the past.

Well, I'll be posting more about my popular life later, now I have to go do my make up.